~Helvera Helvera - Mistress Of The Park (16bit version) The Quick Solution by Bob Adams. Minimum inputs only provided. NOTE: [Return to ...] means follow your map back to that location. In Dungeon: Say Hello. Say Yes. In Cell: Lie on bed. Press film. Hide under bed. Press play. Out. Outside Cell: Close door. Up Kitchen: Get torch. Open oven. South Dining Room: East Hall: South Front Door: South Path: West Garden: Get spade [Return to Kitchen] Kitchen: West Kitchen Garden: Get clay. West Shed: Open paint. Get green ball. Dig floor. Get ladder [Return to Hall] Hall: Up Stairs: Exam painting. Get chain. Up Landing: Up Attic: Get mask. Down Landing: East Bedroom: Get string. West. West Toilet: Get cleaner [Return to Hall] Hall: East Living Room: Mould clay. South Library: Jump on carpet (bulge). Lift carpet. Down Hole: Get egg. Crack egg. [Return to Kitchen] Kitchen: Cook clay. Get brown ball [Return to Living Room] Living Room: North Billiard Room: Put yellow, green & brown balls on table [Return to Shed] Shed: Down Passages: West, push knot, examine hole, hook key with chain, East. NorthWest, unlock cabinet, get piece, North, get balloon, South, West, SouthWest. East, fill balloon with gas, tie neck, West. Switch fan on, close vent, release balloon, wait. Open vent, examine vent, get blue ball, West. South, South, wear mask, pour cleaner in pool, East. Wear string, East. South, Open door, North, lift cover, Down. Tunnels: SouthWest, SouthEast, SouthEast, NorthEast, Wear Skate, East (past Grue), Southwest, SouthWest, put torch in holder, NorthWest, wear shades, SouthEast, remove shades, get shades, NorthWest, wear shades, get white ball, SouthEast, remove shades, get torch, NorthEast, NorthEast, NorthEast, throw boomerang at lever, Up. [Return to Billiard Room] Billiard Room: Put white & blue balls on table. South Living Room: Put jigsaw piece in jigsaw puzzle. Exam jigsaw for safe code. South. Down. Pour polish remover. Down. East. Get pink [Return to Dining Room] Dining Room: South Study: Open safe. Get black [Return to Billiard Room] Billiard Room: Put pink & black balls on table. If seven balls exist then something wonderful should happen... Note: Red herrings are not included in this solution so you can now play it again and find all the fun you missed! ~Obtained From the Adventure Probe BBS (0707) 334799 (21:00-06:00) ~Game also available from the BBS as Shareware.